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The surname of HAWKINS was a baptismal name 'the son of Henry', an ancient and still popular font name. Early records of the name mention Haukynus le Cotoler of the County of Yorkshire in 1313. Haukyn Skinner of the County of Cumberland in 1332. Henricus Hawkynne of Yorkshire was listed in the Yorkshire Poll Tax of 1379. Wilham Hawkyns was registered at Oxford University in October 1539. Sir John Hawkins (1532-1592) was the English navigator and naval commander who was born in Plymouth. He became the first Englishman to traffic in slaves. His 'commercial' venture ended in a disastrous third voyage (1567) when he and Drake were intercepted by a Spanish Fleet. Most of the European surnames in countries such as England, Scotland and France were formed in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The process had started somewhat earlier and had continued in some places into the 19th century, but the norm is that in the tenth and eleventh centuries people did not have surnames, whereas by the fifteenth century most of the population had acquired a second name. At first the coat of arms was a practical matter which served a function on the battlefield and in tournaments. Coat of Arms Print Comes Framed and in Original Condition.

Dimensions: 170 x 220H mm

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Print of Hawkins Coat of Arms / Hawkins Family Crest (UK)

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